Apr 19, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A car's transmission being worked on at a service center near Indianapolis, INYour Chevy transmission takes the energy produced by the engine and uses a series of gears to channel this energy to the wheels to enable them to move your car at the desired speed. The transmission is a very complex piece of engineering, and it requires regular services to allow it to always work at its best. These are a few signs that you need to visit your friendly Chevy dealer for a transmission service.

Strange Noises

A healthy transmission doesn’t make any loud sound as it shifts gears, so if you hear sounds from the transmission, the noises are a warning that something is wrong. The most common sound is a slight buzzing noise that will gradually grow louder until it becomes noticeable. You might also hear odd humming or whining sounds.

Odd sounds could be due to worn or damaged components, or the transmission might lack transmission fluid. We’ll need to examine your transmission to identify the cause of the noises. Fortunately, if you visit us as soon as you hear any sounds from the transmission, we can usually quickly and inexpensively repair their cause.

Leaking Fluid

A pool of bright or dark red liquid under your Chevy is a sure sign of a transmission fluid leak. This fluid provides the hydraulic power that allows the gears to move. It also provides friction resistance to numerous transmission components, which reduces potential damage. In addition, the fluid helps to cool the components and prevent the transmission from overheating.

We don’t advise driving if your transmission is leaking, as this could cause serious and irreparable damage to its components. Our technicians will search for the cause of the leak, and one of the most common leak sites is a worn transmission pan gasket. Once we’ve identified the site of the leak, we’ll fix it and then replace the lost fluid.

Transmission Slipping

Slipping is a disturbing situation where your transmission will shift into another gear without warning. You’ll probably hear a variety of metal-on-metal noises and also experience a reduction in power as the new gear engages. In most cases, the gears will change to the previous gear setting, and this can lead to an accident, for example, if the gears shift to Park.

This problem could be due to worn or damaged gear teeth, a lack of transmission fluid, or even an error in the transmission computer. We’ll investigate and repair the issue. We’ll also examine your transmission for any damage caused by the slipping, so we can repair or replace damaged parts and ensure your transmission is in perfect condition.

If your transmission isn’t working as it should, contact us ASAP at Ed Martin Chevrolet in Anderson, IN.