Feb 13, 2022

Car safety inspections are easy to forget about. However, there are many benefits to getting it done. They can save you money, keep your vehicle in good shape for years to come, and of course, keep you safe out on the road. Read on to see why you should go get your car inspected in Anderson IN today.How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Car Safety Inspection?

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Car Safety Inspection?

Risk of Citation

Getting pulled over can be a hassle, especially when it ends with getting a ticket. It can be easy to overlook small things, like a turn signal or a brake light being out. Those small things, however, can lead to a citation every time you get stopped for it.

Luckily, citations are easily avoidable. With a safety inspection from your local car dealer, you can drive comfortably knowing everything is in order. Most dealers do a range of maintenance from headlight repair to suspension work. It’s best to trust a professional when it comes to the safety and condition of your car.

Tire Wear and Tear

Tire issues have made many heads go gray. Being stranded on the side of the highway with a flat tire and no help is no fun. Getting your tires checked out is another great reason to go get a safety inspection. It could save you the pain of a flat, and will also keep your car’s traction solid.

It can be hard to spot tire issues with an untrained eye. A tire could be bulging slightly, leaking slowly, or altogether rotten. These issues are hard to spot at first but slowly build over time. If left unchecked a bad tire can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s undercarriage systems.


Engine troubles, like tire troubles, are another pain but they can be avoidable. Most engine troubles are caused by the exasperation of a problem long undiagnosed. The engine may not be getting proper air intake, it may not be cooling correctly, or the oil filter may be dirty. Those are just three of many problems that could be happening under the hood.

Getting an inspection is a perfect way to catch problems early. Usually, these problems are simple, quick, and easy fixes. Without an inspection, those problems may turn into complicated, long, and expensive fixes. So it’s always best to play it safe and get a routine checkup, much like going to the dentist or the doctor.

Visit a Dealer in Anderson, IN

Whatever vehicle you may drive, it is a great idea to get your vehicle inspected at a dealer. For example, taking your Chevy to a Chevy dealer will guarantee expert service. Chevy mechanics are well versed in all types of Chevys and have seen it all. So whether it’s a routine checkup or something doesn’t sound right, trust a dealer with your car.

Another benefit of going to a dealer is the use of manufacturer-issued parts. Sometimes third-party auto shops may use third-party parts not specifically made for your vehicle. Manufacturer-issued parts are more reliable, and usually last much longer than the aftermarket parts.

Nobody likes car issues, but these problems are usually preventable. Getting out in front of the issue by getting your car inspected is the second step to a long and healthy car life. The first step is finding a dealer who is both knowledgeable and professional in their automotive approach. Give Ed Martin Chevrolet a call today to schedule a routine car inspection.



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